Providing the most comprehensive results with “small town” care.

EDL Medical is one of the only toxicology labs based in Mississippi. This allows us to offer exceptional service because we focus on our Mississippi Practices. You will get the most comprehensive testing, fast turnaround, and customer service with a “small town” feel. This means you can quickly connect with your team to get your practice needs met.






Personalized Assessment

Our Medical Coordinator will asses you office needs to determine
what services will stream line your testing protocol.

  • Sample collection kits

  • Onsite collector

  • Lab Nexus Program

  • Training

  • 48-72 hr results

Our Promise:

Guaranteed Reliability

Rapid test results using the most advanced technology to help healthcare professionals identify irregularities, verify compliance, evaluate progress, and identify potential drug misuse or addiction immediately.

Genetic Variations

Genetic variations in the population can have an enormous influence on an individual’s ability to metabolize certain classes of drugs. Our confirmatory testing are able to quantify exactly how drugs are metabolized in these genetic variations.


We are a CLIA Certified, high complexity lab offering you accurate screenings as soon as they are available. We pride ourself on quality results returned quickly. Results are posted in a secure web-based portal within 48-72 hours

Personal Contact

With ever increasing technology, we have seen the diminish of personal connection and quality customer service. At EDL Medical, we value high quality service, and assure you that your team at EDL are available to support your needs.

Providing our clients with COMPREHENSIVE services with “small town” care.

At EDL Medical we value the personal connection with our clients while offering a CLIA Certified - high complexity lab.

COLA Accredited
with a perfect survey status in 2022.

Get started with EDL Medical, today.


We are proud to be a
Mississippi business.

Caring for our Mississippi Clients with the personal touch that most clients miss.

“At the end of the day, people won’t remember what you said or did, but they will remember how you made them feel”

— Maya Angelou